
Free 2018/19 tax returns for the Wandsworth Self-Employed

FREE Tax Returns for Wandsworth Self-Employed

Free 2018/19 tax returns for the Wandsworth Self-Employed

Get your 2018/19 Tax Return filled in & submitted FREE!

Wandsworth Council will pay for self-employed Wandsworth residents’ tax returns for the financial year 2018/19. This tax return service is FREE but you only have until Sunday* this week to apply. If you apply in time, Wandsworth Council will cover the cost for you.

Why free?

The Government has put in place a range of measures for self-employed individuals, including a Self-employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS). This will provide direct cash grants worth 80% of trading profits up to a maximum of £2,500 per month for self-employed individuals with profits of less than £50,000 per annum. To be eligible for this scheme, you will need to have submitted your tax returns for 2018-19 in just a few days’ time. Wandsworth Council are keen to facilitate this as part of their help to small businesses during the Coronavirus crisis.

Closing date

The deadline to apply for this free offer is this coming Sunday 19* April. Once you have applied, your actual 2018-19 tax return will need to be submitted to HMRC by Thursday 23 April, so time is of the essence. However, that’s where Taxfile comes in. We’ll get all the figures entered and submit to HMRC on your behalf. Wandsworth Council will pay our fees if you applied no later than their 19 April* deadline.

To be eligible, you must:

Christmas & New Year Opening at Taxfile

Christmas & New Year Opening at Taxfile (Dulwich Branch)

Christmas & New Year opening times for Taxfile's Dulwich branch, London SE21

Season’s greetings to all of our customers and readers. Our thanks to you for your custom and for being a reader of this blog. We really appreciate it!

Taxfile’s branch in Turney Road (Dulwich) will close for Christmas Day and Boxing Day (Monday 25 & Tuesday 26 December respectively) and also for New Year’s Day (1 January 2018). Apart from that, we’re open 5 days a week as usual. So if you have any tax and accountancy-related issues you’d like our help with, please get in touch. Here’s the full picture: Read more

Taxfile Autumn 2017 Newsletter

Autumn Newsletter 2017 – Tax News, Tips & Recommendations

Taxfile's Autumn 2017 newsletter for limited company clients

Taxfile’s Autumn 2017 newsletter for limited company clients is ready to view. It’s jam-packed full of useful tax- and Taxfile-related news so grab a hot drink and take a ten minute read. It may save you money and will certainly make you aware of some important HMRC deadlines coming up in the near future. Articles include:

    • Farewell to Ali
    • Bank Downloads Save Time & Money
    • Deadlines & Key Dates
    • The Future is Digital
    • Accounting for VAT
    • Have you made a Capital Gain?
    • Assets Overseas? Non-Resident Landlord? Read This!
    • Do you Employ People?
    • C.I.S. Subbies: Claim your Tax Refund for Christmas!
    • The Benefits of Using Taxfile
    • All Your Tax & Accounting Needs Taken Care of
    • Tax Affairs in a Mess?
    • Who Works at Taxfile?

You can Read more

Cloud-based accounting software

Which Cloud-Based Accounting Package is for You?

Which cloud-based accounting package is right for you? FreeAgent, Xero or Sage One?Maybe your small business is still doing its accounts via paper-based records or perhaps you have an accounts package that is simply not measuring up. Either way Taxfile can help point you in the right direction with a new, all-singing, all-dancing modern package that is fit for the 21st Century. They can give you advice as to which software will best suit your needs and circumstances and help to get you up and running in no time at all.

FreeAgent, Xero or Sage One

FreeAgent, Xero or Sage One — accounts packages recommended by TaxfileThe cloud-based accounts packages recommended by Taxfile include FreeAgent, Xero or Sage One and any one of them will allow you to keep your bookkeeping and accounting records up to date while remaining accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. All three packages include: Read more

Free accounting software package

FREE Sage Accounting Package for Every Active Taxfile Customer!*

Free Sage accounting and bookkeeping software package for all Taxtile customersCalling all South London small businesses – claim your FREE* Sage accounts & bookkeeping package from Dulwich accountants Taxfile.

When you’re an active client of Taxfile, whether new or existing, we can supply you with your own Sage accounting package, free of charge*, and we’ll even help set it up for you! There are various packages to choose from and we’re happy to advise which is best for you and your small business. They’re great for anything from simple bookkeeping to full accounts handling, allowing easy record-keeping, bank reconciliation, the handling of VAT (including VAT returns), RTI submissions, automatic tax and National Insurance calculations and filing, and even Auto Enrolment communications for your employees. There is also a low-cost Payroll bolt-on option for those who would like to control their own payroll.

Sage cloud-based accounting and bookkeeping software packages

The Sage Software Packages:

  • Our free* ‘Sage One Cashbook’ package is great for bookkeeping and cash flow management — perfect for sole traders and cash-based businesses. It’s cloud-based so all you need is an internet connection and you can access your records from anywhere;
  • Our free* ‘Sage One Accounting’ package is better suited for small businesses, including start-ups, and includes the ability to manage finances, create quotations and invoices (including via a phone/tablet app), prepare VAT returns and even automatically stream your bank statement information straight into the package via an automatic ‘feed’ making it great for bank reconciliation and helping to make sure you account for all your business expenses. The integral bank feed even learns how to recognise regular transactions so the software is able to account for them in the best way;
  • Our ‘Sage One Payroll’ package is a low-cost bolt-on for the above, suitable for businesses who want to handle their own payroll (fully, or assisted by Taxfile) and who have 15 employees or less. It helps small businesses sort out payroll including payslips and tax calculations as well as helping them to stay within the law, keep up to date on financial regulations and even handle RTI submissions and employees’ Workplace Pension Auto-Enrolment communications. Nearly all small businesses with employees must implement such communications to inform employees of their rights in respect to Workplace Pension contributions, so such automation is a great feature and an immense time-saver.

All the software packages are secure, cloud-based so can be accessed from anywhere that has an internet connection, and have direct links to HMRC for easy filing, where appropriate, for things like tax returns, VAT returns, National Insurance and RTI etc. Calculation of what’s due to HMRC can be automated with the software and then paid and filed from the package. Such links and automation will become more and more useful and important into the future as Read more

Save time on your bookwork, at no extra cost

Save time on your bookwork, at no extra cost

At Taxfile we know that book work isn’t your top priority so we’re currently implementing a new system that will save you time on your book work (without costing you a penny extra) and also allow us to provide a better service to you.

Bankstream is a new service that, with your permission, enables us to securely collect electronic copies of your bank statements directly from your bank so as to make the analysis of your expenses and income much easier and faster. You continue to receive your statements as normal but no longer need to provide us with copies of them.  Bankstream does not give us access to your banking account so doesn’t give us the ability to create, amend or affect transactions on your account (no passwords or PINs will ever be requested from you — it’s completely safe). It simply gives us an additional electronic copy of your historical bank transactions so as to make accounting analysis easier and faster.


The Bankstream service itself is FREE to Taxfile customers (we absorb the cost). If you are interested in spending less time on your book work, ask us for a Bankstream Authority Form. Call 0208 761 8000 or find out more here.

Beat the price increase

Save Money — Beat the December Price Increase!

Save money on your accounting - act fast!If you are the director of a Limited company, in a partnership or are self-employed, your personal tax return is due on 31 January 2015. You are strongly advised to supply your records, bank statements, receipts etc. to our Dulwich office in South London as soon as possible, please, so that you are not caught in a last-minute rush — Taxfile has several hundred tax returns to complete, so the earlier the better. Some limited company ‘year end’ accounts will also fall due on 31 December 2014 or 31 January 2015. For those businesses, it’s exactly the same message — time is of the essence.

As an added incentive, if you get your accounting records to Taxfile before 1st December, you will beat the December price rise. Taxfile has held its prices for several years now and Read more

Taxfile Newsletter Autumn 2014

Autumn Newsletter Ready to Download

Autumn Newsletter 2014We have just completed our Autumn newsletter for customers and anyone else interested in our services and potential ways to save money on accounting, bookkeeping and tax for small and medium-sized businesses. Included in this edition are some time-sensitive articles including ways to avoid a small price increase if you act fast, ways to save time on your bookwork by using something called ‘Bankstream’ which is supplied free to Taxfile customers, how to get an early bird fee reduction if you submit your records to us before the end of December, a reminder about the free ‘tax enquiry fee protection’ service available to our customers (a couple of small provisos apply) and lastly a ‘mind map’ diagram showing interesting and useful information about our lovely multi-lingual staff. Download the newsletter here (Acrobat PDF file: right-click to save the PDF to your hard drive then open it in Acrobat Reader. Alternatively left-click the link to view the newsletter directly in most browsers).

Standard Rate VAT 20% from 4 Jan 2011

Change to permitted VAT return submission methods

Changes to VAT return submission methodsIn a vote for common sense, HMRC has finally relaxed its requirements, under certain circumstances, in respect to the methods it allows for submission of VAT returns. Previously almost* all businesses were forced to submit VAT returns on-line while paper and telephone submission methods were phased out forcibly even for those who did not have access to a viable on-line method. We’re pleased to confirm that HMRC are now relaxing submission requirements for those businesses who can show that the on-line method is not a practical one for their particular circumstances, for example based on limitations caused by age, disability, remoteness, quality of internet connection etc. HMRC now requires those unable to file on-line to file by telephone. And if that’s not practical for similar reasons, they may then be able to submit good old-fashioned paper VAT returns. If HMRC decline both methods, the business or individual concerned will be able to appeal if it thinks it has a reasonable reason to do so.

This change of heart follows a tribunal Read more