Filing returns online
By filing returns online your deadline is extended by a full 3 months!
If you want to send your tax return as a paper copy once you have reached your year end, you will have only from your year end to the 31st October 2020 to get your 2019/2020 tax return in.
By using Taxfile we will be able, on your behalf, to file the return before the 31st of January 2021 giving you an extra 3 months to prepare your accounts.
Why Wait?
Using software which has been successfully tested with the HMRC, we can submit: Individual, Partnership and Corporation tax returns on your behalf.
An advantage to being able to file on-line is that, once your tax return has been filed with the Inland Revenue, a notification is sent right away confirming whether the filing has been successful.
This allows you to have the peace of mind that your tax affairs for the year have been sorted.