Taxfile is a Finalist in the British Accountancy Awards 2016

Taxfile Nominated for Major Accounting Award

Taxfile nominated as Finalist in the British Accountancy Awards 2016

Taxfile is delighted to be a Finalist in the ‘Independent Firm of the Year, Greater London‘ category of the sixth annual British Accountancy Awards 2016. It’s a great honour and Taxfile’s Founder, Guy Bridger, would like to pass on his congratulations to all Taxfile staff, particularly Julie, Ewelina, Faiz and Ali, as this is recognition for all their hard work. Taking place on the 29th of November at The Brewery, London, the event promises to be a night to remember with a three-course dinner, guest host and the Awards ceremony itself. More information about the awards, and those shortlisted, is available here.

Taxfile’s Dulwich office specialises in accountancy-related work for limited companies and SMEs. Part of that includes year end accounts as well as handling of corporation tax, income tax and payroll, NI, VAT and company formations. Taxfile also recently launched its service to help companies with their Auto Enrolment duties in relation to the new Workplace Pensions. So, really, Taxfile can help with anything from simple bookkeeping and tax returns to complex tax problems. Call 0208 761 8000 for further information, book a 20 minute appointment online here or send us an emailed message here and we’ll be happy to help.

The Dulwich office of Taxfile is at 11a Turney Road, London SE21 8LX.

Customer testimonials

Happy With Our Service? Write a testimonial & receive £10 off!

customer-testimonialsIf you are happy with our service we’d love to hear about it because we’re putting together a page of customer testimonials on our website. They need only be short if you haven’t got much time, but more detailed comments are fine too! As a thank you, you’ll receive a £10 off voucher which you can offset against your next Taxfile bill. Please submit your testimonial via this simple form. Many thanks!

If you’re not happy, of course please let us know right away and we can work out how to put things right. We want all of our customers to be happy and any feedback will help us to improve our services. Again, many thanks.

Save time on your bookwork, at no extra cost

Save time on your bookwork, at no extra cost

At Taxfile we know that book work isn’t your top priority so we’re currently implementing a new system that will save you time on your book work (without costing you a penny extra) and also allow us to provide a better service to you.

Bankstream is a new service that, with your permission, enables us to securely collect electronic copies of your bank statements directly from your bank so as to make the analysis of your expenses and income much easier and faster. You continue to receive your statements as normal but no longer need to provide us with copies of them.  Bankstream does not give us access to your banking account so doesn’t give us the ability to create, amend or affect transactions on your account (no passwords or PINs will ever be requested from you — it’s completely safe). It simply gives us an additional electronic copy of your historical bank transactions so as to make accounting analysis easier and faster.


The Bankstream service itself is FREE to Taxfile customers (we absorb the cost). If you are interested in spending less time on your book work, ask us for a Bankstream Authority Form. Call 0208 761 8000 or find out more here.

Beat the price increase

Save Money — Beat the December Price Increase!

Save money on your accounting - act fast!If you are the director of a Limited company, in a partnership or are self-employed, your personal tax return is due on 31 January 2015. You are strongly advised to supply your records, bank statements, receipts etc. to our Dulwich office in South London as soon as possible, please, so that you are not caught in a last-minute rush — Taxfile has several hundred tax returns to complete, so the earlier the better. Some limited company ‘year end’ accounts will also fall due on 31 December 2014 or 31 January 2015. For those businesses, it’s exactly the same message — time is of the essence.

As an added incentive, if you get your accounting records to Taxfile before 1st December, you will beat the December price rise. Taxfile has held its prices for several years now and Read more

Taxfile Newsletter Autumn 2014

Autumn Newsletter Ready to Download

Autumn Newsletter 2014We have just completed our Autumn newsletter for customers and anyone else interested in our services and potential ways to save money on accounting, bookkeeping and tax for small and medium-sized businesses. Included in this edition are some time-sensitive articles including ways to avoid a small price increase if you act fast, ways to save time on your bookwork by using something called ‘Bankstream’ which is supplied free to Taxfile customers, how to get an early bird fee reduction if you submit your records to us before the end of December, a reminder about the free ‘tax enquiry fee protection’ service available to our customers (a couple of small provisos apply) and lastly a ‘mind map’ diagram showing interesting and useful information about our lovely multi-lingual staff. Download the newsletter here (Acrobat PDF file: right-click to save the PDF to your hard drive then open it in Acrobat Reader. Alternatively left-click the link to view the newsletter directly in most browsers).

Taxfile's Brochure

Download our new brochure!

Brochure PDF

Exciting news – we have a new brochure! It’s going to print soon but we thought some of you might like a sneak preview so please feel free to download it here (PDF format, less then 1MB). It shows you the many accountancy-related services available from the various offices within the Guy Bridger Ltd. group — that’s both in South London (also offices here) and in Exeter, Devon — as well as details of the many discounts available (download the brochure for more details).